My little dog triva...
Did you know?
Dog nose prints are as unique as a human's fingerprints and can be used to accurately identify them. The American Kennel Clubs accept nose prints as unique ID.
Here's another...
The average body temperature for a dog is 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 to 39.2 Celsius), whereas the average human body temperature is 98.6' (37.0"C) well that's really a no brainer they have fur to make them hotter! Maybe hairy people have higher temperatures too? Ha! ha! I'm cracking myself up!
Okay one more...
Dogs do sweat...but not much. The sweat glands they use for thermoregulation are between the pads of their paws.
Okay I know I said that was it but here's another good one to share....
Dogs eyes have a light-reflecting layer behind the retina called the tapeturn lucidum (Latin for "bright tapestry"), allowing then to see better than we do in dim light. This mirror-like layer also explains the strange shine or glow in a dog's eyes at night.
Pretty neat stuff huh! I'll try keep doing this for those dog lovers out there every once in awhile. I have a feeling we will be learning a lot now since we are getting Holly ready to be a mommy. So many and I mean many questions for our vet will be asked by the family and myself.
Just to get the record straight we changed our mind on the daddy dog. We found another fellow dog and his name is "Gentlemen Joe". He is one handsome dude, well I think! He has some sweet facial expressions and his size is perfect and we were able to view his previous litter and, OH MY GOSH! HOLY CUTE-NESS! I'll get his picture on the this blog soon! So far all of the vet appointments are going well with Holly! Next is her eye exam...yah, weird huh! Doggy eye exam! Can you imagine what the eye chart looks like!? Ha! ha!
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