In a blur this year is over! It's now 2010! What happen? I swear time is going faster and faster each year! I feel like my coo-coo clock is in full speed as back ground noise.
Well it's a new year and new chances to start fresh. I'm not much for New Years resolutions cause I always feel like I'm setting myself up for failure, but I do believe in goal setting which dosen't happen over night. These things take time and good focus. I'm going to be honest though, my artistic side of my brain (pretty much my whole brain) is spinning like mad.
So here's just some of my reasonable goals I made for this fresh New Year...
I'm dusting off my paint brushes and getting back into painting. I miss it!
I would like to ride my bike more when the weather warms up.
Keep on doing dance off's with my daughter in our living room. We really enjoy that and it's great exercise. We really boogie down!
Get to know my heavenly father a little better...keeping my Christian heart.
Keep on reading with my kids...they have some good reads out there for kids and teens.
Oh yes, there will be new babies happening this year...furry babies that is! Yep, it's time for Miss Holly to be a mommy doggie! The dad's name is Hero! Oh, puppies! You know that will be on my blog!
I will keep organizing my house. That will never change. It's thick in the genes.
Tell my kids I love them as much as possible.'s a goal, get back on the wii fit...holidays are over it's back on track.
Drive my convertable with top down more...of course when it gets warmer.
Take lots and lots of pictures.
Keep doing arts and crafts with the kids.
Get back into walking the dogs again.
Go on dates with John more.
Learn how to play with a yo-yo...I'm a dork!
Did I say paint more? I want to paint lots and lots!
Teach the kids more recipes and let them do it all by themselves!
Finally frame my favorite vintage map I found years ago.
Go fishing with the boys more.
We really need to go to DC this spring. I love this place cause it offers the best of both worlds. We live in the country but only 45 minutes away from a very big city that has so much. I want to go to the zoo in the Spring with all the baby animals and the museums too...we love the museum of natural history. It's a must do!
Paint my toe nails more.
Keep learning new recipes.
Oh my O my! My head is spinning...I could keep going and going but, I will spare you!
Well you'll probably hear about it all through this blog through out this new year..until then one day at a time and step at a time and I will try and breath and take it all in!
sounds like some good goals and lots of fun activities in store for 2010.