The title: How Angie got a Hamster
One day, Lisa's (hamster) owner was on a trip. Some hamster named Ron, found a way under Brad's room door and into the hamsters cage. Now Ron was so hungry he ate all of Lisa's food! So then Lisa woke up! She saw that Ron had eaten all her food so she asked, "where is all my food?" Ron responded, " I ate it all!" Lisa yelled, "What!!!!! "That was going to last me all WEEKEND, and you ate it!!!" Ron answered, "So?" That was all the food I need." Lisa replied again.
"I know where there's more, follow me! "Ron said. So Lisa followed Ron.
On the way they met this cute hamster named Swiss (by the way Lisa's a girl and Ron's a boy).
Ron asked this guy in a cop suit, "How can we get to Wa Wa's mini mart? The cop replied with a "swoosh!" with his net and before you could blink an eye they were in a dark box in a car and the cop said, "You can go to WaWa's mini mart in your dreams!!! After a few minutes it felt like they went on a air plane. Before it felt like they were on a plane the cop said" see you in Hawaii"!!
When they were on the air plane they heard a firing noise at the air plane. Then the box flew off the plane! Ron had kept some sunflower seed bags.
Swiss made a hole and they jumped out of the box and used the bags as parachutes. When they reached the ground, they found out they were in Canada. They all thought they were still in Virginia so they meet this snake named, "Bow" and he said he would take them to Wawa's mini market.
Then the snake died, Ron killed it somehow. Then Ron pulled out this golden thing and hypnotized Swiss to put popcorn in her ear. All of a sudden Lisa woke up! Releved to find it was all a weird dream, but then she found herself back in Canada. Swiss still had popcorn in her ear. Ron was asleep. Lisa saw the golden hypnotizing thing in his hand, she took it out of his hand, and hypnotized Swiss to take the popcorn out of her ear. She found out later she could hypnotize too.
When Ron woke up Lisa told him the news. Ron was shocked. Then Lisa told Ron, "We could hypnotize people to fly and drive us back to my home! That's exactly what they did.
So they head back to the airport and used their hypnotizing powers on people to let them in the airplane and before you knew it they were on their way to Virginia and when they landed they were in a taxi to Lisa's house. On the way they stopped off at Pet Co. pet store and got some hamster food and a new cage. When they got to Lisa's house they put the new cage in owner's sister's room who's name is Angie. When the owners of the house returned home Brad the owner of the hamster Lisa saw the cage door and knew that she was on her adventures again.
Wasn't that good! Now keep in mind I typed it just like he wrote it so you will kind of get the whole grammer issue...but it's still funny and it kept me reading! Once again Brad has made me belly laugh! Some times this is all you need to entertain you!
Bradman's creative imagination alone should have given him a C+ or better! Loved the story but wondering how the hamsters were able to carry the new cage up the stairs and into Angie's room! LOL! Popcorn in the ears huh! OM