Can we say "10"! Yes Angie turned ten this past March! Our baby girl! She's still one of the best things that has happend to our lives. She truely makes people smile. I already love this age. She gets funnier each year. She had a great 10th birthday, she really scored this year. She now owns a new camera that shoots out pictures right as soon as she takes them. So no waiting around.

She scored on her favorite and she calls them "rainbow booty shorts"! She's a goof! They remind me of a pair I once owned at ten years old! I think I even had rainbow roller skates to match them. ha! ha!

A lunch pal she wanted REALLY, REALLY BAD! She spotted it at Tjmaxx and begged for it and I said no the whole time and then went back the next day and bought it! She only had 100 lunch pales all different kinds! ha! ha! One for every out fit she owns. Since then luckly we have been able to narrow it down to two lunch pales. The rest went to Goodwill. There was just no room on the lunch box shelf in my kitchen. Thank goodiness I bought this one!

Had to get a pair of new shoes. This girl LOVES shoes!

Then her brothers treated her to a new activity bag for her trip to California with mom. The boys put all kinds of goodies in the bag. This will also be her new school bag for fifth grade. So the boys did a great birthday gift.

Of course some heart shaped glasses is a must!

She was hiding her pink cheeks here. Since she is ten now it's time to learn a few things about being a girl. Yes, it's all about arm pit hair! ha! ha! So she got this great book written by the American Girl books and this will be her go to guide when things just don't make sence.

There's nonthing like a pack of brand new rainbow color pens! I couldn't wait to draw with her too.

What's in the bag Angie? I think this was a great 1oth b-day for her! She recieved some great gifts from her family AND went on a great trip to California! She is by far a very loved little girl! She is such a special little lady in our lives.
She's all about finger rainbow color finger polish on her nails. Mood rings, Icarly at nite, her bike and roller skates are freedom to her. New hair do's even when they look funny to mom. Animal print clothes is her fashion. A great mystery book is perfect on a rainy day. Hanging with mom in the kitchen making jello is fun. Icices after dance class from dad hits the spot every time. Playing dolls and pretending they come from different places is great. Looking up to her big brothers and of course teasing them is always fun. Calling girl friends on a friday evening and arranging sleep overs are routine. Still moms pies are the best in her eyes. Root beer and pizza night is still here favorite meal. Dusting the house with mom is not fun at all even when mom does put on music.
Leaving with 50 testing lotions on your skin from Bath and Body works is so cool to this 10 year old. Of course we always have a coupon to buy some! ha! ha! Flowered head bands are pretty. Trying differnt seasoning on popcorn is fun and even if it is cinnamon and sugar. YUCK! The latest best movie is "Diray of a Whimpy kid 2". The latest book is the American Girl "Kits Mystery" books and every now and then her girl scout badge book. She loves her family and tells us so every night before bed. This is what being 10 with Angie is all about.

She loved this card so much she put it on her bullenton board in her room.

The CRAZY candles! These are a must for birthdays!

Keep trying Angie! You almost blew them out! We didn't have a b-day hat so the Krispy Kremes hat had to do.

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