So lets start here at the National museum of natural history field trip with my younger son "Brad". We had a really good time here. I got to spend some one on one time with Brad and he reminded me over and over that this was the first field trip I did with him so I'm so glad I joined along. This is a plus too cause this is my favorite museum to go to. I find new intresting things everytime I go there. I was asigned two other little guys to hang with Brad and I. They were funny little guys. We rode a "Merzt" bus (like a Greyhound) getting there and getting back. Brad and I were in the middle of reading "A Dirary of a Whimpy Kid" so we brought that along and read it on the way there and on the way back. It was hard not to look at the Cherry Blossoms every now and then cause they were in full bloom at the time. Course our allergies were too!
So the bus basically droped us off at the front of the museum and the parents and teachers took their groups and checked out the museum on their own but we all had to meet back at the bus at 1pm. So my goal and my little asigned possy's goal was to try and see the whole museum before our time was up. This is just a few things we saw there...
We had such a good time! We learned so much, like a "vampire octopus" it lives in some of the deepest waters of the seas. The bats were pretty interesting too. We just had to go in the BUG part which creeps the crap out of me but I was a good sport and checked it out. After all I had all boys with me. Lets just say I wasn't too thrilled about holding a insect. All I could think about the whole time was the Spiderman movie! ha! ha! I have to say the butterfly part was my most favorite. They are so beautiful! The moths were pretty too and so freaken BIG!!!! We found one so big it probably eat a whole sweater for a snack. See you can tell I dig this stuff!
The boys liked the whole dinosaur Hall and the under the sea hall too. We found a fish called the "Pajamma Fish". I forget the reason though, I'll have to get back to you on that one. It's still funny though. Well the"hope" diamond was in my fantasy to be my 25th anniversary diamond ring, but then I woke up from staring at it and hearing the boys asking "Can we go now there's earthquakes up ahead!" The earth quake stuff was some thing very familiar to me due to being a California girl and so I was able to explain a lot to the guys. They thought it was all "COOL"! Then it was time to eat and we had lunch there in the nice cafe'. Even though we all brought lunches some how Brad and I ended up sharing ours with the other two little guys, and the funny thing is if you really know me you knew what kind of lunches I pack. I had fresh baked cookies and grapes, cut up oranges, string cheese and nuts , and a great sandwich and popcorn so plenty to eat and share. The boys really were eye balling ours and one of the boys had a lunch full of candy. I think he packed his own lunch! Once lunch was over we headed to see a little more and then it was time to end the trip. The boys digged me and Brad was putting his arms around me! It was a great day and a great field trip with my baby boy!
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