Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yes, it's that time for the gingerbread house! It's very taskful this year! We still managed to get the darn thing to stick together...good grief we were ready to throw in the towel. We finally let it sit for half the day for the icing/glue to harden if that didn't work it was time for the glue gun! ha! ha! Angie and I had to leave the boys to head off to New York so the decorating is all the Minger boys! ha! ha! I have to say they did a pretty good boyish job! You notice the gingerbread man hanging off the roof? I'm surprised there's not army men around it seizing the ginger bread men! ha! ha! I wouldn't put that pass them for next year. Well there you go Gingerbread house 2009.


  1. This is the first year we did NOT do gingerbread houses! The kids didn't ask (thank god!...what a pain in the a_s those things are) so I didn't offer! :-) You are soooo good!
