You all were asking how our Brad is doing after catching the swine flu...he is Brad again! We were a little scared when the fevers were spiking high temps, but rest asure good care from the doctors out here and lots of TLC or as Brad calls it "vacation" (he cracks me up) and heaping bowls of chicken noodle soup and catching up on now favorite chapter book series (Molly Moon Incredible book of Hypnotism) watching Rachel Ray with mom in the mornings and just allowed to be Brad. He is back and healthy again! We really got to bond while he was healing! He tells me he's ready to have another vacation with me again. He's now back in school trying catch up with all ten days of missed school and is a buzzing bee at school, he hated this part of being sick. But with a little hard work on his part he'll be up to speed at school. I knew he was Brad-man again when he asked me while making beds "Do you think computers run off some magnets...maybe we should look inside and see" Curious as always! Oh! This is Brad's Jack Nicklesons impression...He can really get the eyebrows going and it's the SHINING! It's almost funny and creepy at the same time! We all start to crack up when he does it.
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